Friday, November 13, 2015

Entry 3 opinionated.....


Opinion as defined by oxford dictionaries is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge... 

Are you ever wondering what opinion people give in places that they shouldn't always give them? 
People do it even when they aren't trying to believe it or not. News articles, Media. T.V., songs, everywhere you turn is opinion. Look at ABC News for example.
In this article the author speaks of their views even though they are not supposed to be giving their opinion. As a reporter for a large corporation like ABC it is often frowned upon to give your own personal opinion because you are supposed to stay neutral in topics that perhaps others are not on the same page with. Every one has the right to form their own opinion but perhaps the tone that the author had was more of the judgmental. Meaning, the author did not stand for the same ideas as the republican candidates. The author of the article states that "Mike Huckabee does not sound like a fan of Disney world". This is in fact the authors opinion of what they heard from the speech that the candidate gave. The tone although not as opinionated as most other articles, makes the candidate sound like he has a personal vendetta with Disney. Or at least that is what the author seemed to be trying to state within her article. her words seems to recount what the candidate was saying in a way that seems to promote dislike towards the candidates ideals.  


  1. Thats really funny how we went the same way with this. You got better pictures where I had a lot of links

  2. i think we are very opinionated on everything nowadays - and a big thanks to social media for that. yesterday a woman mama fighter was sitting on top of the world and she lost one fight and now she is ire of social media.
