Saturday, November 14, 2015

Entry #6 Reactive Airway (Asthma) in children

Reactive Airway Disease (Asthma) in children...

Reactive Airway Disease is commonly used to diagnose coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath (Mayo clinic). Often Reactive Airway disease is interchangeably used as Asthma because diagnosing children under the age of 6 years of age is not as accurate until after they have turned 6 years of age. This is said because these signs and symptoms may or may not be caused by Asthma. Reactive airway association can sometimes be called "Bronchospasm"  as well. Change in climate (seasons), or pollen can often cause the symptoms to show up. Often times even perfume, colognes, cooking, people smoking is enough to send children into asthma attack. Depending on the severity of the symptoms Albeuterol and steroids will help stop the symptoms and allow the person who is diagnosed, to breathe better, and without difficulty.

Entry # 5 ASU Short Classes

ASU to offer shorter classes????

It should be more cost efficient for students, as well as time efficient says ASU officials. 
Will it be ideal for students with children? We are speaking the same amount of work in a fifteen week course all crammed into a seven and a half week course. Ideally each class has two to three homework hours outside of class, which is typically anywhere from one to three hours long depending on the class. Perhaps taking one or two of these classes along with the regular course classes shall help people who want to graduate with a certain degree faster than the traditional way. But, what most people don't understand is that they still have their jobs (for those that work), their families ( parents, children, etc) and their own personal health issues ( for those with health problems). Can a student keep up with the amount of homework and or speed of the courses to get decently approved grades. Maintaining GPA's might be harder, because of the rapid moving classes. As a mother, I want to get my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I like the idea of being able to get done with school and onto my actual career faster for the sake and financial well being of my son, but i also have to think about the amount of time that i will have to dedicate to course work. Will I be able to make the decision to spend less time with my son, so that I can get the courses that I need done faster and in the long run be there for him more than I would be while in school? These shorter courses do have their PRO's and CON's as does everything in life. On the one hand I will be getting my degree done faster and be able to start my career faster. On the other hand however, I will not have the most free time to spend with my son other wise. Weighing the possibilities should take a student like myself some time to come to a decision. However there are students who have the time, some who do not have children or do not have to worry about prioritizing their life as much as a student with family obligations like parenting. Therefore it depends on the person. Would you rather spend a few more hours on coursework and spend less time in the course itself and then in the long run have more time? Or, would you rather spend more time in a course and have less homework, and more time to spend outside of school? 
What to do.....What to do......

Entry # 4 V.A.C.T.E.R.L SYNDROME

V.A.C.T.E.R.L Syndrome.

Vacterl association, or most commonly known as Vacterl syndrome; is a "disorder that affects many of the body's systems" (genetics home reference). Vacterl stands for spinal anomalies (vertebrae), Anal anomalies (imperforate anus, etc), Heart problems (cardiac), throat problems ( Tracheo-esophageal fistulas), kidney problems ( renal anomalies), and deformation of limbs ( Limb anomalies). People with Vacterl Syndrome will most typically have three or more of the before mentioned diagnoses. 

According to Genetics home reference, Vacterl Associations ( Vacterl syndrome); occurs 1 in every 10,000 to 40,000 newborns. 1 in 4 pregnancies will have kidney issues. Whether it be multi-cystic kidneys or the development of only one kidney. 

60-80% of the people that are diagnosed will have anal issues such as imperforate anus, which is basically when the anus does not open like it should. The intestines usually does not reach down into the anal muscle and often times it is short a few inches. The intestine often attaching to different areas of the body such as the bladder. When this occurs surgery is needed to construct the anal area. Dilation is then needed to make the anal muscle stronger. Often needing colostomy bags by the abdominal areas. Often having a Fistula, to let the intestinal liquid somewhere to come out as a Stoma lets out the feces from the body. 

60-80% of people also have vertebral issues such as abnormal vertebrae or have one or two more than the norm. Sometimes you can even have a few less than the needed. Which will either cause the spine to be too curved and have back issues for the rest of their lives. 

60-80% have Cardiac issues like heart murmurs, etc. Often it can be benign, but there are some more unfortunate cases that the cardiac issue is more malicious. 
There are also some other diagnosis that are not part of the diagnoses that can be tied into having the syndrome. Such as undistended testicles (males), weak immune systems, and other illnesses. 

Friday, November 13, 2015

Entry 3 opinionated.....


Opinion as defined by oxford dictionaries is a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge... 

Are you ever wondering what opinion people give in places that they shouldn't always give them? 
People do it even when they aren't trying to believe it or not. News articles, Media. T.V., songs, everywhere you turn is opinion. Look at ABC News for example.
In this article the author speaks of their views even though they are not supposed to be giving their opinion. As a reporter for a large corporation like ABC it is often frowned upon to give your own personal opinion because you are supposed to stay neutral in topics that perhaps others are not on the same page with. Every one has the right to form their own opinion but perhaps the tone that the author had was more of the judgmental. Meaning, the author did not stand for the same ideas as the republican candidates. The author of the article states that "Mike Huckabee does not sound like a fan of Disney world". This is in fact the authors opinion of what they heard from the speech that the candidate gave. The tone although not as opinionated as most other articles, makes the candidate sound like he has a personal vendetta with Disney. Or at least that is what the author seemed to be trying to state within her article. her words seems to recount what the candidate was saying in a way that seems to promote dislike towards the candidates ideals.  

Sunday, November 1, 2015

entry #2 Hydrocephalus in children

What is hydrocephalus? What does it look like in children? As scary as it may seem, apparently most doctors will tell you that it is very common in the neurology field. every wonder why some children have slightly larger heads than other kids. have you ever made fun of a kid on the playground or out in public because they were "big heads"? some children have what neurologists call hydrocephalus is defined by oxford dictionaries as a condition in which fluid accumulates in the brain, typically in young children,enlarging the head and sometime causing brain damage. What does this mean for children who have it? some kids often have balance issues, motor skills aren't often the greatest. some have difficulties learning to speak, or learn to do things that children the same age are saying and doing. often times the liquid in the brain often pushes the brain outwards causing pressure. this can also lead to headaches dizziness, and even seizures in the children who have been diagnosed with hydrocephalus. neurosurgeons often need to put in a "shunt", within the brain of diagnosed children; to relieve the brain of some of the liquid. 

below is a picture of a shunt. basically what a shunt does is give the brain a way to get the liquid out of the brain. allowing the brain to reduce back to a somewhat normal size.

Entry #1: Why Blogging???

Why do we blog? 

Blogging is fun, when you have a lot of time on your hands. It can be something to help you vent; an outlet maybe. What can I say? Blogging is what many people do, it is the it thing to do in this age of technology. generations today tend to be more involved with social media, and advancements that we as a society have come to have. 
But today there are blogs about anything and everything that you can think of. 
take the pioneer woman cooks, a year of holidays blog if you are interested in cooking and baking; this blog is for you. it gives you recipes, and ideas on how to make things. Ideas for any day of the year, Halloween, Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.   
you can even find blogs about decorating and arts and crafts. another blog that i happened to come across is something of a personal and feminist blog, the author is outspoken, and funny her blog is nothing of the professional blog that you expect to see when you see a blog. she curses and is basically down to earth when she speaks about things. 
although she is outspoken, it is somebody's taste somewhere. there was a final blog that i found interesting about knitting. the different styles that someone who is interested in knitting can make. there are blogs for everyone and their different tastes of entertainment. 
perhaps whats what makes technology great, if you have a question about something you can search and there will more than likely be a blog somewhere out there on the internet that is about the topic that you are curious about.  blogging.. is the new age version of asking questions. 

 TTFN- Luna <3